Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The adventure continues...

Today is an anniversary of sorts...Tony and I met 20 years ago today!! Who would have thought then that 20 years later we would be in Ghana sharing amazing experiences with our children!

The neighbourhood...
Our neighbourhood contains a wide variety of homes and businesses that range from large walled in compounds to unfinished but inhabited homes. There are dogs, sheep, chickens and children running freely. Some of the homes are in prestine condition with beautiful flowers and decorative walls, while others are not well maintained and surrounded by litter.

Tony and Oliver got cell phones yesterday so the boys are happy with their new toys. Tony has been able to chat with friends and Oliver has new games to play...something to do when the lights are out...which has been happening frequently.

Yesterdays adventure...
An old friend of Tony's came for lunch yesterday...I know him well because he visited us in Victoria for a few weeks 10 years ago. Francis always brings us lots of laughs. (right now I'm typing in his office because my netbook is not cooperating at getting me online).

He decided to take us to the Accra Mall. It is a new development near the International Airport. When you arrive you feel like you are somewhere in the states. The mall is such a huge contrast to the rest of the city.
The drive was most interesting because the traffic is something you have to experience to understand. There are cars, taxis, big trucks and tro tros (vans that funtion as buses) all fighting for a place on the roadway.
People (including us) will drive off the shoulder of the road to get ahead or to avoid the giant potholes. Because of the rain last night the roads are in terrible condition. You could drown in a pothole!!
The mall has all sorts of imported foods so I picked up some crackers and noodles to try and get Charity to eat something. (She is feeling better today but still doesn't want to eat.) We were able to buy an ice cream there so at least she had something in her sore belly. Ice cream always tastes better when it is more than 30 degrees in the shade!
We are adjusting to the heat and because it was cloudy yesterday it was easier to cope.

Oliver and Charity are happily hunting for lizards. Charity figures if she can catch one she can bring it home.
Thank goodness the lizards are quick!

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