Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What's up...

Hello All,
We've been seeing a lot of rain the last week, it mostly dumps fast and stops. The trails of water on the roads are incredible and the potholes continue to grow. When you feel the hard ground hit the centre of the car bottom it shakes your bones.

We are finding it a challenge to buy things for the schools with the money from GordonHead United Church. There are lots of things to buy EVERYWHERE but not in large quantities. Yesterday with the help of friends we found a two level shop in an industrial area that sells just about eveything and most things seem to have come from China. We bought a few soccer balls, and some pencils, crayons, sharpeners etc. but we still have lots to buy.

Surprisingly it was Tony who was melting in the shop and was itching to get outside. I was in my glory as there were so many new things to look at. I bought a scale there for about $5 and now know that all the rich food I've been eating hasn't been sweated off...laughter...

We were able to buy a TV for the house and the kids were thrilled to watch the Bernie Mac show and the Cosby show while they ate breakfast this morning. Now the kids who live at the house will be able to see their Ghana movies more clearly.

Yesterday was our anniversary, 18 years. We didn't do anything special but maybe we will come back here for our 20th anniversary and have a party. They like to have parties here!

We were driving through the usual exhaust filled traffic yesterday and Charity got sick...not surprising...motion sickness mixed with eating different foods and breathing in black smoke from big trucks...but she bounced back quickly and is feeling great now.

We are out of children's Gravol already and I thought my pharmacy was well stocked...I hadn't anticpated how much driving we would be doing and thought Gravol would only be for the plane. It takes forever to get anywhere in the Capital area and you never know exactly how long it might take...plus the bumpy roads...so Gravol is another must have for those of you getting ready to travel to Ghana! I can probably buy something similar here but I haven't been inside a pharmacy yet...pharmacies are stand alone and we just haven't stopped at one yet (I'm thankful for that because it means we haven't needed anything!)

We were supposed to go to Cape Coast today but the beach resort we were hoping to stay at is all booked up until later in July. So, we will go tomorrow to a more moderate hotel...we will likely just stay one night.
The draws of Cape Coast are the Castles and Kakum National Park. The Castles were built in the time of slavery and you can see the "door of no return" in the dungeons of the castle (a damp and scary place where you can imagine all the people who passed through the cramped tunnels so long ago). In Kakum National Park there is a maze of suspension bridges where you can view the forest canopy usually seeing exotic birds. The other animals aren't usually around during the daylight.

The kids were lucky enough to see a monkey in a tree as we passed through the university...cool...I was sorry I missed it.

I hope to post photos once we get back from Cape Coast.

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