Tuesday, June 23, 2009

a Canadian's thoughts for today...

I'm at the Internet cafe and it is evening...we walked over with flashlights...it is not late but it gets dark here early...around 6pm.
Although we were carefully navigating the rugged terrain to get here with our flash lights there were still children and animals running around...and they don't have flash lights...we are constantly reminded of how hard things can be here but how it doesn't seem to phase the locals.
I haven't watched TV or had hot water for over a week but surprisingly I don't miss it at all.
Today we went to the centre of town...midday...it could not have been hotter...or could it?? Can you imagine if you had to work in this heat, or travel in a tro tro packed with too many people, or sit in a crowded classroom??

We walked through the colourful market downtown...it is so crowded you have to bob and weave your way though. We checked out several fabric stalls and I found a beautiful piece of cloth (for Lisa).

By the time we returned to the car I looked like I had taken a shower with my clothes on...when I took off my hat the kids laughed because my hair was soaked.

We left there and went to the Accra Mall which I mentioned before is much like any mall in America. We soaked up some air conditioning and ate pizza, ice cream and pop and beer...it was so refreshing.

The traffic in the city is so insane...I don't know how Tony can do it but we made it all over the place today without getting lost,even though the roads have changed a lot and there has been so much development.
I am fighting to stay awake because I've been up since 4:30am. There is a mosque or something within ear shot and they were chanting this morning...by the time the chanting stops the kids are arriving at the school and the chatter begins just after 6am.
I have loads of photos so I'll upload some now.

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